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$kit_name : esc_html__( 'Custom', 'elementor' ); $id = $this->create( [ 'post_title' => $kit_name, 'settings' => $settings, ] ); if ( $active ) { update_option( self::OPTION_PREVIOUS, $this->get_active_id() ); update_option( self::OPTION_ACTIVE, $id ); } return $id; } public function create_default() { return $this->create( [ 'post_title' => esc_html__( 'Default Kit', 'elementor' ), ] ); } /** * Create a default kit if needed. * * This action runs on activation hook, all the Plugin components do not exists and * the Document manager and Kits manager instances cannot be used. * * @return int|void|\WP_Error */ public static function create_default_kit() { if ( get_option( self::OPTION_ACTIVE ) ) { return; } $id = wp_insert_post( [ 'post_title' => esc_html__( 'Default Kit', 'elementor' ), 'post_type' => Source_Local::CPT, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'meta_input' => [ '_elementor_edit_mode' => 'builder', Document::TYPE_META_KEY => 'kit', ], ] ); update_option( self::OPTION_ACTIVE, $id ); return $id; } /** * @param $imported_kit_id int The id of the imported kit that should be deleted. * @param $active_kit_id int The id of the kit that should set as 'active_kit' after the deletion. * @param $previous_kit_id int The id of the kit that should set as 'previous_kit' after the deletion. * @return void */ public function revert( int $imported_kit_id, int $active_kit_id, int $previous_kit_id ) { // If the kit that should set as active is not a valid kit then abort the revert. if ( ! $this->is_kit( $active_kit_id ) ) { return; } // This a hacky solution to avoid from the revert process to be interrupted by the `trash_kit_confirmation`. $this->should_skip_trash_kit_confirmation = true; $kit = $this->get_kit( $imported_kit_id ); $kit->force_delete(); $this->should_skip_trash_kit_confirmation = false; update_option( self::OPTION_ACTIVE, $active_kit_id ); if ( $this->is_kit( $previous_kit_id ) ) { update_option( self::OPTION_PREVIOUS, $previous_kit_id ); } } /** * @param Documents_Manager $documents_manager */ public function register_document( $documents_manager ) { $documents_manager->register_document_type( 'kit', Kit::get_class_full_name() ); } public function localize_settings( $settings ) { $kit = $this->get_active_kit(); $kit_controls = $kit->get_controls(); $design_system_controls = [ 'colors' => $kit_controls['system_colors']['fields'], 'typography' => $kit_controls['system_typography']['fields'], ]; $settings = array_replace_recursive( $settings, [ 'kit_id' => $kit->get_main_id(), 'kit_config' => [ 'typography_prefix' => Global_Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_GROUP_PREFIX, 'design_system_controls' => $design_system_controls, ], 'user' => [ 'can_edit_kit' => $kit->is_editable_by_current_user(), ], ] ); return $settings; } public function preview_enqueue_styles() { $kit = $this->get_kit_for_frontend(); if ( $kit ) { // On preview, the global style is not enqueued. $this->frontend_before_enqueue_styles(); Plugin::$instance->frontend->print_fonts_links(); } } public function frontend_before_enqueue_styles() { $kit = $this->get_kit_for_frontend(); if ( $kit ) { if ( $kit->is_autosave() ) { $css_file = Post_Preview::create( $kit->get_id() ); } else { $css_file = Post_CSS::create( $kit->get_id() ); } $css_file->enqueue(); } } public function render_panel_html() { require __DIR__ . '/views/panel.php'; } public function get_kit_for_frontend() { $kit = false; $active_kit = $this->get_active_kit(); $is_kit_preview = is_preview() && isset( $_GET['preview_id'] ) && $active_kit->get_main_id() === (int) $_GET['preview_id']; if ( $is_kit_preview ) { $kit = Plugin::$instance->documents->get_doc_or_auto_save( $active_kit->get_main_id(), get_current_user_id() ); } elseif ( 'publish' === $active_kit->get_main_post()->post_status ) { $kit = $active_kit; } return $kit; } public function update_kit_settings_based_on_option( $key, $value ) { /** @var Kit $active_kit */ $active_kit = $this->get_active_kit(); if ( $active_kit->is_saving() ) { return; } $active_kit->update_settings( [ $key => $value ] ); } /** * Map Scheme To Global * * Convert a given scheme value to its corresponding default global value * * @param string $type 'color'/'typography' * @param $value * @return mixed */ private function map_scheme_to_global( $type, $value ) { $schemes_to_globals_map = [ 'color' => [ '1' => Global_Colors::COLOR_PRIMARY, '2' => Global_Colors::COLOR_SECONDARY, '3' => Global_Colors::COLOR_TEXT, '4' => Global_Colors::COLOR_ACCENT, ], 'typography' => [ '1' => Global_Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_PRIMARY, '2' => Global_Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_SECONDARY, '3' => Global_Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_TEXT, '4' => Global_Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_ACCENT, ], ]; return $schemes_to_globals_map[ $type ][ $value ]; } /** * Convert Scheme to Default Global * * If a control has a scheme property, convert it to a default Global. * * @param $scheme - Control scheme property * @return array - Control/group control args * @since 3.0.0 * @access public */ public function convert_scheme_to_global( $scheme ) { if ( isset( $scheme['type'] ) && isset( $scheme['value'] ) ) { //_deprecated_argument( $args['scheme'], '3.0.0', 'Schemes are now deprecated - use $args[\'global\'] instead.' ); return $this->map_scheme_to_global( $scheme['type'], $scheme['value'] ); } // Typography control 'scheme' properties usually only include the string with the typography value ('1'-'4'). return $this->map_scheme_to_global( 'typography', $scheme ); } public function register_controls() { $controls_manager = Plugin::$instance->controls_manager; $controls_manager->register( new Repeater() ); } public function is_custom_colors_enabled() { return ! get_option( 'elementor_disable_color_schemes' ); } public function is_custom_typography_enabled() { return ! get_option( 'elementor_disable_typography_schemes' ); } /** * Add kit wrapper body class. * * It should be added even for non Elementor pages, * in order to support embedded templates. */ private function add_body_class() { $kit = $this->get_kit_for_frontend(); if ( $kit ) { Plugin::$instance->frontend->add_body_class( 'elementor-kit-' . $kit->get_main_id() ); } } /** * Send a confirm message before move a kit to trash, or if delete permanently not for trash. * * @param $post_id * @param false $is_permanently_delete */ private function before_delete_kit( $post_id, $is_permanently_delete = false ) { if ( $this->should_skip_trash_kit_confirmation ) { return; } $document = Plugin::$instance->documents->get( $post_id ); if ( ! $document || ! $this->is_kit( $post_id ) || isset( $_GET['force_delete_kit'] ) || // phpcs:ignore -- nonce validation is not require here. ( $is_permanently_delete && $document->is_trash() ) ) { return; } ob_start(); require __DIR__ . '/views/trash-kit-confirmation.php'; $confirmation_content = ob_get_clean(); // PHPCS - the content does not contain user input value. wp_die( new \WP_Error( 'cant_delete_kit', $confirmation_content ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Add 'Edit with elementor -> Site Settings' in admin bar. * * @param [] $admin_bar_config * * @return array $admin_bar_config */ private function add_menu_in_admin_bar( $admin_bar_config ) { $document = Plugin::$instance->documents->get( get_the_ID() ); if ( ! $document || ! $document->is_built_with_elementor() ) { $recent_edited_post = Utils::get_recently_edited_posts_query( [ 'posts_per_page' => 1, ] ); if ( $recent_edited_post->post_count ) { $posts = $recent_edited_post->get_posts(); $document = Plugin::$instance->documents->get( reset( $posts )->ID ); } } if ( $document ) { $document_edit_url = add_query_arg( [ 'active-document' => $this->get_active_id(), ], $document->get_edit_url() ); $admin_bar_config['elementor_edit_page']['children'][] = [ 'id' => 'elementor_site_settings', 'title' => esc_html__( 'Site Settings', 'elementor' ), 'sub_title' => esc_html__( 'Site', 'elementor' ), 'href' => $document_edit_url, 'class' => 'elementor-site-settings', 'parent_class' => 'elementor-second-section', ]; } return $admin_bar_config; } public function __construct() { add_action( 'elementor/documents/register', [ $this, 'register_document' ] ); add_filter( 'elementor/editor/localize_settings', [ $this, 'localize_settings' ] ); add_filter( 'elementor/editor/footer', [ $this, 'render_panel_html' ] ); add_action( 'elementor/frontend/after_enqueue_styles', [ $this, 'frontend_before_enqueue_styles' ], 0 ); add_action( 'elementor/preview/enqueue_styles', [ $this, 'preview_enqueue_styles' ], 0 ); add_action( 'elementor/controls/register', [ $this, 'register_controls' ] ); add_action( 'wp_trash_post', function ( $post_id ) { $this->before_delete_kit( $post_id ); } ); add_action( 'before_delete_post', function ( $post_id ) { $this->before_delete_kit( $post_id, true ); } ); add_action( 'update_option_blogname', function ( $old_value, $value ) { $this->update_kit_settings_based_on_option( 'site_name', $value ); }, 10, 2 ); add_action( 'update_option_blogdescription', function ( $old_value, $value ) { $this->update_kit_settings_based_on_option( 'site_description', $value ); }, 10, 2 ); add_action( 'wp_head', function() { $this->add_body_class(); } ); add_filter( 'elementor/frontend/admin_bar/settings', function ( $admin_bar_config ) { return $this->add_menu_in_admin_bar( $admin_bar_config ); }, 9 /* Before site-editor (theme-builder) */ ); } }