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$this->baseurl ){ throw new Loco_error_Debug('Did you mean to call $this->viewSnippet('.json_encode($tpl,JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES).') in '.get_class($this).'?'); }*/ $view = $this->view; foreach( $args as $prop => $value ){ $view->set( $prop, $value ); } // ensure JavaScript config present if any scripts are loaded if( $view->has('js') ) { $jsConf = $view->get( 'js' ); } else if( $this->scripts ){ $jsConf = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams; $this->set('js',$jsConf); } else { $jsConf = null; } if( $jsConf instanceof Loco_mvc_ViewParams ){ // ensure config has access to latest version information // we will use this to ensure scripts are not cached by browser, or hijacked by other plugins $jsConf->offsetSet('$v', [ loco_plugin_version(), $GLOBALS['wp_version']] ); $jsConf->offsetSet('$js', array_keys($this->scripts) ); $jsConf->offsetSet('WP_DEBUG', loco_debugging() ); // localize script if translations in memory if( is_textdomain_loaded('loco-translate') ){ $strings = new Loco_js_Strings; $jsConf->offsetSet('wpl10n',$strings->compile()); $strings->unhook(); unset( $strings ); // add currently loaded locale for passing plural equation into js. // note that plural rules come from our data, because MO is not trusted. $tag = apply_filters( 'plugin_locale', get_locale(), 'loco-translate' ); $jsConf->offsetSet('wplang', Loco_Locale::parse($tag) ); } // localized formatting from core translations global $wp_locale; if( is_object($wp_locale) && property_exists($wp_locale,'number_format') ){ $jsConf->offsetSet('wpnum', array_map([$this,'filter_number_format_i18n'],$wp_locale->number_format) ); } } // take benchmark for debugger to be rendered in footer if( $this->bench ){ $this->set('_debug', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [ 'time' => microtime(true) - $this->bench, ] ) ); } return $view->render( $tpl ); } /** * Shortcut to render template without full page arguments as per view * @param string $tpl * @return string */ public function viewSnippet( $tpl ){ return $this->view->render( $tpl ); } /** * Add CSS to head * @param string $name stem name of file, e.g "editor" * @param string[] $deps dependencies of this stylesheet * @return self */ public function enqueueStyle( $name, array $deps = [] ){ $base = $this->baseurl; if( ! $base ){ throw new Loco_error_Exception('Too early to enqueueStyle('.var_export($name,1).')'); } $id = 'loco-translate-'.strtr($name,'/','-'); // css always minified. sass in build env only $href = $base.'/pub/css/'.$name.'.css'; $vers = apply_filters( 'loco_static_version', loco_plugin_version(), $href ); wp_enqueue_style( $id, $href, $deps, $vers, 'all' ); return $this; } /** * Add JavaScript to footer * @param string $name stem name of file, e.g "editor" * @param string[] $deps dependencies of this script * @return string */ public function enqueueScript( $name, array $deps = [] ){ $base = $this->baseurl; if( ! $base ){ throw new Loco_error_Exception('Too early to enqueueScript('.json_encode($name).')'); } // use minimized javascript file. hook into script_loader_src to point at development source $href = $base.'/pub/js/min/'.$name.'.js'; $vers = apply_filters( 'loco_static_version', loco_plugin_version(), $href ); $id = 'loco-translate-'.strtr($name,'/','-'); wp_enqueue_script( $id, $href, $deps, $vers, true ); $this->scripts[$id] = $href; return $id; } /** * @param string $name * @return void */ public function dequeueScript( $name ){ $id = 'loco-translate-'.strtr($name,'/','-'); if( array_key_exists($id,$this->scripts) ){ wp_dequeue_script($id); unset($this->scripts[$id]); } } /** * @internal * @param string $tag * @param string $id * @return string */ public function filter_script_loader_tag( $tag, $id ) { if( array_key_exists($id,$this->scripts) ) { // Add element id for in-dom verification of expected scripts if( '